Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering after undergoing emergency surgery at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital to remove a 2.5-inch knife lodged near his spine. The injury occurred during an attack by an intruder at his home in the early hours of Thursday. Doctors have confirmed that Khan, 54, is stable and “out of danger.”
The incident happened around 2:30 am at Khan’s residence in the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building. A team of specialists rushed him to the hospital, where they performed complex neurosurgery and plastic surgery to address the injuries.
“Surgery Successful, Recovery Underway”
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, stated. “We successfully removed a 2.5-inch knife fragment from Saif Ali Khan’s spine. He sustained two severe injuries, two moderate ones, and two superficial abrasions. Fortunately, the surgery went very well, and he is on the recovery path.”
Dr. Uttamani further noted that the medical team has shifted Khan to the ICU and expects him to move to a general ward within a day or two.
Injury Details and Recovery Plan
Neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange revealed that Khan suffered a significant injury to his thoracic spine. “The knife was lodged in his spine, causing a major injury and leaking spinal fluid. He explained that the medical team performed surgery to remove the knife and repair the damage. In addition, the plastic surgery team repaired two deep wounds on Khan’s left hand and neck.
Dr. Dange assured that Khan is now stable and recovering well. “He will be moved out of the ICU tomorrow, and we expect a discharge plan within the next couple of days,” he added.
The attack has sent shockwaves through the film industry. With fans and colleagues expressing relief at the news of Khan’s successful surgery and recovery.