Bollywood actor Sonu Sood is set to release his highly anticipated film Fateh, in which he stars alongside Jacqueline Fernandez. In a generous move, the actor announced that he will donate the entire profit from the film to charity. Additionally, Sonu surprised his fans by offering tickets for the film at just Rs 99 on its opening day, Friday, January 10, 2025.
Sonu Sood Shares Heartfelt Message on Instagram
In a heartfelt video shared on his Instagram account on Wednesday, Sonu spoke about his motivation behind this decision. “In 2020, when COVID-19 began, thousands of people who reached out to me became victims of cyber fraud. With money being stolen from their bank accounts. I wondered how I could ensure that the story I’ve created reaches as many people as possible,” he shared.
An Action-Packed Thriller Featuring a Stellar Cast
As the director of Fateh, Sonu added, “On January 10. When the film releases, the ticket price for the first day will be Rs 99 for you and for the entire country.”
Fateh is a thrilling action film that follows the journey of an ex-special ops officer who uncovers a major cybercrime conspiracy. The film features a stellar cast, including Sonu Sood, Jacqueline Fernandez. Vijay Raaz, and Naseeruddin Shah, who each bring their own unique strength to the story.
Produced by Sonali Sood and Umesh KR Bansal, Fateh Set for January 10 Release
Produced by Sonali Sood of Shakti Sagar Productions and Umesh KR Bansal of Zee Studios, with co-producer Ajay Dhama, Fateh promises to be an intense and action-packed movie. It is slated to release on January 10, 2025. And is expected to captivate audiences with its themes of courage, resilience, and the fight against cybercrime.